Gianfranco Ravaglia

This WEB PAGE treats of the intentional approach to psychological problems. From this point of view, symptoms and defences are not the effect of inner or social causes but rather the result of an inner intentional (unconscious) attitude.


Ordinary Thinking and Feeling

“There is a widely known story about two men who greet each other on the street in a small town in Poland. ‘Why have you not returned the pot I lent you?’ one says to the other. ‘I did not borrow your pot’ the other replies. ‘Besides, it was broken when you lent it to me and besides, I have already returned it to you intact’ “ (1). In this reply each of the three statements contradicts the other two and Milton Rokeach notices that, despite those contradictions, the story shows a system of beliefs. Not a logical, but a psychological one. Then, “Many important aspects of intellectual functioning in particular and cognitive functioning in general can be attributed to personality rather to intelligence” (2).
Another quotation: “Although it cannot be claimed that psychological insight is any guarantee of insight into society, there is ample evidence that people who have the greatest difficulty in facing themselves are the least able to see the way the world is made. Resistance to self-insight and resistance to social facts are contrived, most essentially, of the same stuff” (3).

I have always concerned myself with the reasons why so often people think, feel and act in irrational and destructive ways and my work is based on the distinction between the expression of personal potential and activation of psychological defenses (defined as intentional unconscious constructions). I carefully avoid speaking in vague or metaphysical terms about "personal potential" and use the concept of "psychological defenses" which does not have much to do with the psychoanalytic one of "defense mechanisms".
When slavery was "normal", normality was crazy and when the cult of the "aryan race" was normal, normality was crazy. Normality can then be crazy today. In my opinion, the illusions that pervade culture, social organization and normal interpersonal relationships lead to a widespread tendency to look after children in ways that do not correspond to their psychological needs. Such social and family realities normally compel children to dissociate themselves psychologically for not staying in touch with the painful experiences that they cannot manage without the support of adults. Growing up with emotional closures and mental rigidity, children become adults inclined to accept the myths and rituals of society and not able to care for their own children properly. If this is true, the "ordinary irrationality" seems destined to reproduce indefinitely and create new unnecessary suffering.
For these reasons, it is important to understand why people think, feel and act normally in irrational ways and for the same reasons it is important to practice philosophical analysis of ordinary irrationality and psychological analysis of the experiences from which people dissociate themselves when altering their internal dialogue and contact with reality.

Even if psychological disturbances are often set against normality, they in fact reveal the same “emotional logic” as everyday “normal folly”. Normality is a nightmare since everyone begins to suffer before being able to work through the sorrow and therefore unwittingly, but also intentionally construct defensive attitudes which are then kept up in adult life. If this is not recognised, bizarre explanations are invented for “pathologies” which are more normal than normality.
The task of analytical work is not to make "normal" people who feel "ill", but that of working with people who want to recover their unexpressed personal potentialities. 


(1) Rokeach, M., 1960, The Open and Closed Mind, New York: Basic books Inc., p. 3

(2) Rokeach, M., 1960, The Open and Closed Mind, New York: Basic books Inc., p.398

(3) Adorno, T. W. et al., 1950, The Authoritarian Personality, New York: Harper , p. 976